Friday, June 19, 2009

Come From Behind Win Propel Muhfuggers to the Playoffs

The Muhfuggers were behind one run going into the sixth and last inning. Rico "Suave" Rivas blasted a pitch into center field to score the go ahead run...which thrust the Muhfuggers into the playoffs in their first season. Final score...Muhfuggers - 19 3up3down - 18.

However, it was not that simple. The forfeit loss on Friday (the Waterfuggers are in Vancouver for a tournament), made it a three way tie for last. Only one team could go to the playoffs. Muhfugger and Coed league coordinator, Leeonel Pena, had to go thru the standings and calculate using complex algoritms to find out which team was deserving to go to the playoffs.

Are they in?? Manager Caesar Longboy texted coach Pedro Frias from Vancouver to find out if the MF are in the playoffs. Pedro texted back....yes!!

"Are you sure??" said Caesar. "Well, he said we have a game next week Tuesday"


1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are in and we will face The Pride of the Phillipines team Up the Middle Tuesday. Game start time will be 6:00pm sharp. Arrive early to play!!!
