Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Muhfuggers come from behind to win!!

The Muhfuggers....Victorious!!

Don't Know - 0 2 4 2 4 0 - 12
MuhFuggers - 1 7 1 0 0 4 - 13

After last week's disappointing loss to Up the Middle, the Muhfuggers agreed that they had to win the next game. Manager Caesar Longboy approached baby faced coach Pedro Frias and all-world pitcher, Leeonel Pena, and told them the Muhfuggers need to win this upcoming game or armageddon will be upon us. The two proud Mexicans looked back at him with confidence and determination in their eyes and boldly predicted a win. They made good on their promise coming from a three run deficit to win.

Tonite's game was billed as the Muhfuggers versus the Spawn of Gary Ervin. Wesley Ervin is the son of Northrop Grumman Aeropace Systems president, Gary Ervin. Also on that team was active Poi Pounder and a great ball player, Kristen Barnes.
It was reported that Wes was taunting and flexing his muscles at Muhfugger players in the cafeteria the day of the game. That led the taunted Muhfuggers to think, "Wes never used to talk shit before!!"

Wesley Ervin's Don't Know team was up by three runs going into the sixth and last inning.
The home team Muhfugger's defense shut down their opponents offense, returning three batters back to the dugout behind Leeonel's brilliant pitching. Now, all the MFs had to do was to overcome the 3 run deficit in the bottom of the sixth and last inning. DK shut out the MF offense the last two innings, how in god's green earth are they gonna get four runs to win?? The drama was thick and it was do or die time.
"We are fags!! We may lose this game!!" ran through the minds of the MF.

The incredible shrinking Jeremy Sanders, who seem to have many girl pals (according to his Facebook and that we could have stocked our team with), played another stellar game at third, kept the Muhfugger spirits up. He cheered his MF teammates on and told them not to give up.

Rico was up first. The El Salvadorean latin lover played a MVP type of game tonite with his outfield play and a homerun earlier, hit a double. Still down three runs, no outs.

Next up was blond bombshell, Tammy Cobb. Tammy claimed she was blind as a bat last nite because she was playing without contacts. Tammy hit a single and drove the fleet footed latino home. Two runs to tie, three to win. No outs.

Always reliable batter and soon to be paddling soon, Leeonel Pena, who was playing his third game tonite, was next. Always calm at the plate, he crushed one into right field for a double, sending Tammy home. One run to tie, two to win, no outs.

Ashley, our substitute who was called on short notice and who the MF are very grateful she showed, tried her utmost best to get on base but grounded out to short. No harm, good try. Still one run to tie, two to win, 1 out.

Caesar was next. Still trying to shake the cobwebs from a long retirement from softball, hit for a double between the third baseman and short. The hit sent Leeonel home. Rico was sent in to pinch run for the creaky legged older man. Tie game, one out,one run to win.

Deej was up next. Deej got on base regularly tonite. When Deej ran the bases, it looked like two armadillos fighting inside her shirt. Her granite hard lower back and torso she got from paddling enabled her to garner a hit, advanced pinch runner Rico "the latin lover" Rivas who belly slid into third. Still tie game, one out, one run to win.

Next up, Brian, "don't call me Ace Ventura" Kellough needed only to drive Rico in for the win. He went up to the plate with his reliable wooden bat and a cheesy smile. Most people who know Brian, I'm sure, cringe when he goes up with that friggin wood bat. We all know that that skinny SOB can hit homeruns all day if he used a friggin' state of the art aluminum bat!! But all he needed was a base hit to drive Rico in for the run.

That he did as he hit a blooper over the second baseman. Run scored. The Muhfuggers win!!

The jubilant Muhfuggers thrust their arms into the air and screamed ecstatically. Hugging each other and laughing like a pack of wild hyenas on laughing gas.

The Muhfuggers would like to thank Ashley Kowach for coming out of retirement and stepping in for the female players that were unable to attend. Thanks Ashley. Hope you finish the last few games with us!! Also, you sure look like you can paddle!!

Ashley Kowach

Everybody did a great job tonite. Yeah, the normal balls falling out of gloves and comical errors were still being made but the Muhfuggers came from behind to win. So who gives a shat!! How the hell did they Muhfugging do it? I'm pretty sure their opponents just Don't Know!!

Post Game Interview


  1. Good friggin win guys. You guys came through when we really needed it!! You friggin Muhfuggers!! LOL!!

  2. great interview, lol
