Missing: Rico Rivas, Leslie Castellanos, Precious Albright, Sarah Ahrendes
But they were okay with it. There was a lot of lessons learned in Tuesday night's 31-13 blow out loss to Mayhem. Coaches got a chance to see how different players play and how to utilize them for next week's game. More importantly, it was a chance to see if this Muhfugger team can handle a good ol' ass kicking loss. Nobody threw a fit when players struck out or when pop flys got misjudge(often). So nobody needed to be kicked off the team. They were in good spirits throughout the entire game.
Leeonel Pena Mexican baseball outfit
The Muhfuggers didn't necessarily come to win, they planned to have fun night. Pitcher Leeonel Pena, showed his pride for his culture and people during Cinco De Mayo, pitched in a sombrero and serape. Tammy, the blond bombshell, showed up and played in a see-thru fish net outfit top.
Pedro Frias at bat
Brian!! You are suppose to bring a wooden bat!! Not a wooden paddle!!
If anyone was to look at the Muhfugger roster, it would have shivers running up and down their spines looking at some of the talent. People from other teams have said, that this team is too good to be in the B league. However, not even all these "big gun for hire" players could stop the bleeding inflicted by their opponents.
Brian's idea to use a wooden bat during the game still was enforced. As their opponents scored multiple runs on the Muhfugger's anemic defense, others decided to forego the notion and returned to their aluminum bats. But it was still to no avail.
"They scored 7 runs again??" said Deej about Mayhem scoring the maximum 7 runs per inning for the second straight inning.
The Muhfuggers didn't necessarily come to win, they planned to have fun night. Pitcher Leeonel Pena, showed his pride for his culture and people during Cinco De Mayo, pitched in a sombrero and serape. Tammy, the blond bombshell, showed up and played in a see-thru fish net outfit top.
"Tammy!! You look like a nice lookin' hooker!!" Someone yelled from the dugout.
Tuesday night had its moments. Ana's dog, Little Ben, got loose and the game was put on hold while both teams had to chase her down.
Leeonel Pena played every inning that he was in dressed in a sombrero and a serape? WTF is that shit??? Whatever. That was a great idea to start the season.
Next week's game, Aileen Aranda-Kellough, wants to do a 80's theme. Okay, does that mean players will look like Paula Abdul, Pat Benatar and the Flock of Seagulls?
Why is Tammy's legs spread open like that??