June 2, 2009, 6pm at Alondra Park, the Muhfuggers will be going against the Poi Pounder's sister team, Up the Middle and it's all world outfielder and the pride of the Phillipines, Manong Ferdinand Karandang.
Muhfuggers should remember that Ferdinand helped the Muhfuggers lose their first game of the season. Ferdinand decided to help Mayhem by offering his services. Although his batting power may have been hampered using Muhfugger Brian's Kellough's wooden bat, his defense is what pissed off the Muhfuggers in that game.
"That sumbitch was snagging all our flyballs out there ... that dirty bested!!" said one Muhfugger player.
"He's a fag!! Playing for that team and never coming out to try paddling!! I hate him and his tight baseball shorts!!" said another unhappy Muhfugger player who is about 5 feet tall and with big breasts and who wants to remain anonymous.
Muhfugger pitcher and Pride of Mexico, Leeonel Pena, has the undaunted task of facing the pride of the Phillipines.
Ferdie is known best as the guy the (coed) Poi Pounders was trying to recruit for years. Ferdinand wanted to, but felt obligated to play for the SelOuts (now Up the Middle). After an undisclosed amount of money and promises of women that would adore him, love him and shower him with unspeakable pleasures...he finally gave in, donned the black and gold and played for the Poi boys. Eventually, he played for the coed Poi Pounders.
Ferdie is also known as the buff Filipino star that spends most of his pesos every year on the newest, top of the line bat(s) that are on the market. The happy-go-lucky person is a good source for trying out new bats without buying them.
Even if you are an opposing player, he will gladly let you use one of his bats. Well, after he unrolls that big bag of bats that resembles ammo adorning Rambo's upper torso.

Ferdie attending the motherland's favorite pastime - Cock Fighting
Whether Ferdie's team win or loses, Ferdie will still be adored by the Muhfuggers and the Poi Pounders. And he will definitely get to display why he is the pride of the Phillipines.
lol at the cock fighting picture!