Deadra...Deej...Mama Poi...Aunty...she answers to many names. She has been around softball for a long time. Deadra was a Poi Pounder for years. Deej has played as a Poi Pounder even longer than Papa Poi himself. She retired from the Poi Pounders two years ago. But she returns to the dusty diamond at Alondra Park as a .....Muhfugger.
Likes: Macaroni Salad, Pad Si Yu(sp?) noodles, pizza from Rock Bottom, American Idol, love movies, fancy labeled purses.
Dislikes: Almost everything. One of Deej's famous sayings is: "I don't like that!!"
Deej Doctolero
Deej Doctolero
Jersey Name:
Original: SuSu Girl
Hometown:Original: SuSu Girl
Waipahu, Hawaii
Favorite Position(s) (Oh grow up!!):
66 (oh, mean for softball?) catcher….dream spot 2nd base (lol!) I know right?
Why do you play softball?
It was something to do 13 years ago….
Most memorable experience (softball or otherwise)?
Running to 2nd base and getting hit in the stomach with an oncoming ball….and falling past the base…..then Ceez comes running screaming “the baby!”
Favorite drink or beverage?
A strawberry shake from Carl’s Jr. except it has 770 calories….A-Boo
What do you do when not playing softball with the Muhfuggers?
Paddle, paddle, paddle, and study my east off for my degree….oh, and cuddle with Ceez
When you hit it, you go for placement or you put it anywhere?
Hell if I even hit I am happy where ever it goes…
Do you finish with one hand or two?
I dunno but I know how many hands Ceez finishes with…
Any injury from being struck by soft balls? Or ever been hit in the face by balls?
Softballs once…balls in general many a times…
When sliding, you prefer to hit it hard or glide in?
I never slide…but I always help glide it in…
When you trim the grass, do you cut it down to the bare dirt, trimmed for infield or grow it wild as outfield rough?
I’m like the mound there’s never any grass there….ever!
On your last date….did you get to first base? Got to second? Got to third? Hit the homerun? Or stayed in the dugout and not play?
I love homeruns! And then I do the “Pika-chu dance!”
Have you ever mooned or flashed anyone or went skinny dipping?
Yes!...Yes! and Yes! Good times!
(Men) T or A? (Women) You prefer muscular arms or a six pack?
I like a fatty kind of guy…who loves to eat!
When you or a Muhfugger “f*cks Up” out in the field, you:
A) Laugh at the person then tell the person “nice try!!”
B) Laugh at yourself, then tell yourself nice try.
C) Either A, B or C is correct.
D) Get mad, throw equipment, pout …then get kicked off the team for violating team rules and acting like an A-Hole.
Depending if I am PMS-ing…lol!
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