Ho hum. Leeonel Pena got another Northrop Grumman A League championship with the Poi Pounders. Leeonel and his Poi Pounders beat Shark Infested Waters 16-9. He did this after playing with the Muhfuggers in their semi final loss, in the Poi Pounder semi final and the Northrop Grumman A League finals.
He led the Poi Pounders to a third championship. Leeonel has been an important cog on the moster of a machine called the Poi Pounders. With his accurate pitches and ability to confuse batters, he is arguably the league's MVP.
He disclosed that even though the Poi Pounders won the championship for the third time, there was a lack of celebration from his teammates. Perhaps, the Poi Pounder already established themselves as a dynasty, winning a championship was all in a days work.
Muhfuggers was overheard saying stuff like, "Leeonel, take that musubi out of your mouth when you go up to bat for us!!" , "Leeonel, take the Muhfuggers to the championship too!! U bested!! "
Leeonel returns next year to do double duty...as a Poi Pounder and a Muhfugger..and perhaps another pinche championship.
Ashley Kowach
Everybody did a great job tonite. Yeah, the normal balls falling out of gloves and comical errors were still being made but the Muhfuggers came from behind to win. So who gives a shat!! How the hell did they Muhfugging do it? I'm pretty sure their opponents just Don't Know!!
Post Game Interview
Wes is a currently a Poi Pounder and has been a Poi Pounder for years. His father use to show up to the games and watch his athletic son play. Any proud father would too if their son plays softball the way Wes plays. Wes is known as the White Lightning, because of his blinding speed when he runs the bases. He is also the other half of the Jumping Beans with Muhfugger Brian Kellough. The hyper young duo two bounce around the dance floor during parties at Sully's....like jumping beans.
A somber pitcher and pride of Mexico, Leeonel Pena, pitched only two innings due to soreness in his elbow .
The game was pretty close. Pitcher Leeonel Pena started and pitched two innings and kept UTM batters at bay. Leeonel's arm was bothering him, so relief pitcher Eric E. came in for an inning. In the fourth inning, coach Rico Rivas wanted to try his hand at pitching. The Up The Middle batters must have woke up, because they scored six innings on the MFs!!
Coach Frias
Even though the Muhfuggers could not catch up to Up the Middle in the later innings, current and former Poi Pounders Leeonel Pena and Pedro Frias still said they had more fun losing in this game than if they played in a Poi Pounder game where they always kick everybody's ass!!
The Muhfuggers were short handed on girl players. Tammy Cobb, Ana Guttierrez, Aileen Aranda and Leslie Castellano wrote/called in to the team coaches to say they were unavailable to play in tonite's game.
OMG!! Four players?? The coaching staff scrambled to contact subs Sarah Ahrendes and Precious Albright. However, no replies came in from either sub, not even the emergency subs were available.
Charlie, the "Ultimate Human Speciman", came through and brought in a female ringer player named Ronica.
Ahhh, one more. One more girl to get the maximum 4 girls to play. Who else?? More calls went out. Ceez called up former Poi Pounders, but most was not available. Everybody but long time retired Poi Pounder, Arlene Dizon. "Oh boy! I would love to. But you know I can’t play for real."
Everything was set. However, on the way to the game, Pedro called in to say that his lady love, Leslie was ill and was not able to play. Ay muy chingon!! We were short one more female player. Where the heck are we going to get another player on such short notice?
They had to only look to the empty stands to find a young woman with a cup of beer in her hand. Blanquita!! Although the MFs could have legally played with only three girls, Blanquita was asked to play. We figured we may need help in the outfield and maybe a fourth girl might save the other girls from going up to bat a million times.
Ferdie attending the motherland's favorite pastime - Cock Fighting
Whether Ferdie's team win or loses, Ferdie will still be adored by the Muhfuggers and the Poi Pounders. And he will definitely get to display why he is the pride of the Phillipines.
Muhfugger (real name): Aileen Aranda
Jersey Name (if we ordered jerseys): Ai bend over
Hometown: la la land, ca
Birthday: November 27, 1979
Favorite Positions (softball): right field. or is that left field?
Why do you play softball? : so i can wear my pretty purple and pink gear! Most memorable experience (softball or otherwise)? when i told my mom i wasn't a virgin anymore. man, that was a bad idea.
Favorite drink or beverage? unsweetened ice tea
What you do when not playing softball with the Muhfuggers? i save lives everyday.
Do you wear a cup for protection? 2 cups. to protect the twins.
What wood/bat do you swing? (bat type and size): my purple and pink bat! it's sooo pretty Do you finish with one hand or two? (swinging style) im not sure. i kind of don't remember because of the fear.
What is more important to you? The size of the bat or how one uses it? both. and im lucky lucky he's got both, right babe!?
Any injury from being struck by soft balls? Or ever been hit in the face by balls? yes, but it actually wasn't a ball. it was a lemon. my cousins and i were playing baseball with a stick and a lemon. i know, i know. we made due with what we had. anyway, my brother was at bat, or stick in this case, and he hit it. went straight and hit me in the nose. it was a total marsha brady moment.
When sliding into home, you prefer to hit it hard or glide in? i like it hard.
When you trim the grass, do you cut it down to the bare dirt, trimmed for infield, or grow it wild as outfield rough? bare dirt, so nothing gets in the way.
On your last date….did you get to first base? Got to second? Got to third? Hit the homerun? Or stayed in the dugout and not play? i think i was too tired to play. sorry.
Have you ever mooned, flashed anyone or went skinny dipping? no, yes, and yes.
(Men) T or A? (Women) You prefer muscular arms or a six pack? yes, yes, yes, and yes. i mean yes and yes.
When you or a Muhfugger "f*cks Up" out in the field, you:
A) Laugh at the person then tell the person "nice try!!"
B) Laugh at yourself, then tell yourself nice try.
C) Either A, B or C is correct.
D) Get mad, throw equipment and pout …then get pummeled by your teammates, get kicked off the team for violating team rules and then have erectile dysfunction & vaginal dryness just for acting like an A-Hole.
C. i dont want to get pummeled by my teammates. and i definitely dont want vaginal dryness.
Ana's single...her "HIT" guys!! But she is single!!
Tammy would have had a homerun too, but the runs she hit in exceeded the 7 run limit for the inning. Tammy's child, Kieren got hurt while bicycling behind the dugout while her mommy played left field. Kieren escaped with a scratched finger and forearm and stopped crying after Deej soothed her with kindness and love and I threatened to bite her boo-boo.
Since Tammy and Ana had a homerun a piece, they have only room for one more HR. If they exceed the two HR rule, they are CUT!!
Aileen's base hit
Pitcher Leeonel Pena pitched a great game. Out of his bag of tricks, he pulled out his new weapon, a knuckle ball that confused the shit out of enemy batters. "Man that ball was doing this!!", said shortstop Pedro Frias making a curvy motion with his hand.
Jeremy Sanders was put at thirdbase last night. He did quite well and coaches may just leave him there. "I just don't know what to do at third base!!" he said with a grin. We had a good laff, because we knew he had skills and was just trying to be modest.Jeremy's nice sized knot on his leg from playing 3rd base
Last night was outfielder and co-manager, Rico "Suave" Rivas debut. He really made a statement that he is an important cog in the machine which is known as the Muhfuggers. Rico snagged pop flys and showed great batting skills last night. Most notable was the diving catch he made in the outfield that made me cringe. He could have gotten hurt!! How the heck is he gonna paddle if he is hurt!! After that spectacular catch, the Mexican muhfuggers in the dugout forgave the El Salvadorean's boo-ing comment of Mexico's finest, Pedro Frias or Leeonel Pena.
Rico single hit
I thought it was a great game. Even though I am injury reserved, I told Deej that I am so excited about the win, that it was as if I played too. Next game, after two weeks off, is June 2nd @ 6:00pm versus Elizabeth Stephenson's and Ferdie's, Up the Middle team!! DIE UTM!!!
Jeremy Sanders - Before
Read below as posted on the Space Dragon Blog:
Biggest Loser Champion...How'd he f'ing do it?
Jeremy- last year's champion of the Biggest Loser, was kind enough to sit down and have an interview to discuss how he lost his weight, what motivated him, and what keeps him going.
Thanks Jerm!
First, I can't thank everyone enough for their encouragement and praise. I honestly don't feel like I have done anything that special, but some feel it was an amazing feat. So, my goal now is to help people see how I made the change, how I stayed motivated through the competition, and how continued to progress even after the competition. I also want people to realize that all the sacrifice and effort was ABSOLUTELY worth it!
Interestingly enough, much of what I want to share with everyone are the changes I made after the competition was over. During the competition I lost weight, a lot of weight really fast. After the competition I actually got into shape and really started a consistent workout program and a healthy balanced diet. There were things I did during the competition that I would discourage others from doing.
Here are some quick statistics:
My weigh-in at the start: 205lbs on May 27, 2008,
My weigh in at the end: 170lbs on July 19, 2008
My current weight: ~155lbs
I weighed over 200lbs since sophmore year in high school (1996)
1) What was your exercise program during the biggest loser?
It actually did not change much from before the competition. I did weight training Monday and Wednesday and cardio Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday was the SAND DUNES!!!!! However, as the competition progressed, I stopped weight training due to lack of energy. I was definitely not getting enough calories to support my normal exercise routine. That was the downside of having such a short competition, too much pressure to drastically cut calories.
2) Special diet?
I went the low carb route. I completely and totally dropped all breads, rice, potatoes, sodas, chips, pastas and desserts of any kind . Maybe once or twice during the competition did I have bread. I did not monitor my caloric intake but it was roughly 1500 calories/day. My diet consisted of chicken and other lean meats, vegetables, salads with no dressing (just salsa), fruits and nuts. I would discourage people from cutting their diet so drastically. You need to make a change that is maintainable, balanced and nutritious. My diet now is much more balanced with good carbs, meat, and healthy fats. Recently I started a whole-foods diet where I eat food that is minimally processed. This means eating foods that don't have high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and preservatives. Basically eat foods the way Mother nature intended, in their natural form.That's another thing: I have really educated myself in nutrition and fitness since the competition ended....it became a passion not a chore.
3) What motivated me to join?
I was always self-conscious about my weight. I wanted to lose weight for many many years. I tried and failed many times. It was the competitive aspect that really made me commit. I got really into proving to others and to myself that I could do this. In friendly spirit, others in the competition would boast that they were going to win. I would just say to myself "you have no idea what I am capable of, this is my competition to win!" Also, I specifically remember talking with Emily everyday. I would tell her I was going to win, and she'd say "We'll see, so-and-so looks like they are losing lot of weight." This would really fire me up!
4) How do you continuously motivate yourself to keep your lifestyle?
I completely changed my thought process. I enjoy working out intensely and enjoy healthy foods. I never want to go back to the way I was and I put in too much effort to waste it all by not staying in shape. I have never felt so good in my life, and I want to take advantage of this and do everything I always wanted to but never could. This experience has boosted my confidence 10-fold and I am enjoying the fruits of my labor.
5) Do you give yourself treats?
I did not give myself any treats during the competition....none. I would say to myself that EVERYTHING counts. Any slip up or weakness would hurt my chances of winning. I do give myself treats now that the competition is over. But, I still try to make wise decisions and I do not crave the junk I used to eat before. I usually eat a couple pieces of dark chocolate a week. The foods I look forward to most now are my tasty protein bars and drinks.
6) What have you noticed in yourself since you lost all your weight?
I can't stess enough how positive an impact this weight loss has had on my life. It wasn't just about being lighter, I felt so proud of myself and have gained so much confidence. I am definitely an all around happier person and much more social. I am in the best shape of my life! Before this my fastest 1-mile time was 7.5 minutes in seventh grade. At the start of the competition, I could probably do a 9 minute mile. A few weeks ago I timed myself doing a 5:45 min /mile. I do 10k races at a 6:45 min/mile pace! But that is only the tip of the iceberg! I am going to tell you guys something very few people know about me (so I hope no one reads this). I have social anxiety disorder. I have been getting professional help for this for about four years and have made a lot of progress. This weight loss has allowed me to progress even more to the point where I feel like I don't have social anxiety at all....it is a thing of the past! Emily can attest to my change. Also, something else,.....this is a brand new feeling for me.......some girls actually think I am good looking now......that is something I am not used to yet (but am enjoying)!!!
7) What is your routine nowadays?
Nowadays I still do cardio and weight training regularly. I am training for a half marathon and triathlon as well. My weight training is high intensity circuit training with plyometrics included in. My cardio for the most part has been running long distances. Now I am switching to high intensity interval training. This will include sprints, hill runs, spinning, jump rope. For weight training I am going to do mulit-joint exercises that involve stressing several large muscle groups at once.....burns calories bigtime and builds serious muscle.
8) What amazes me most?
What amazes me most is how undifficult it was! Seriously! I made up my mind, commited to it and my body went along for the ride. I didn't let the voices inside my head distract me. Any obstical was just a test to make sure I really wanted this badly. When you make up your mind and fully commit, it truly becomes effortless! So take this advice from me: MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO CHANGE AND COMMIT TO IT! You are going to have rough days where you want to give in....I was just logical about it. I would say "I knew I was gonna feel like this, I knew I was going to doubt myself. Well this time I am going to ignore those feelings, they are getting in the way of my goals!"
9) Any secrets?
Well I wrote about a few secrets above. The main thing for me was to view it as proving to others what I could do. By having the external motivation, it really keep me focused on the goal. I had something to prove! Before, when I failed at weight loss, it was only me who was disappointed. During the competition my teamates, family, friends and co-workers all knew that I was in this competition. I didn't want to let them down: I didn't want them to see me fail!
10) Any words of advice/encouragement?
Like I said, all the effort, pain and sacrifice are worth it. I get so many compliments and people say how they are so impressed with me.That means more to me than any junk food or dessert ever could. I promise you, you will not remember how hard it was, you will only remember how great you felt. Your body WANTS you to lose weight, it is just that damn mind you have to convince! I want people to look at me and say "if he can do it, so can I". And its true. I never thought I was capable of this, but look at me now!